J.P.S. Lofts: Quality racing pigeons for sale

Welcome to J.P.S. Lofts, the home of quality racing pigeons. At J.P.S. Lofts, you’ll find the very best blood lines and the highest quality pigeons for sale. From our fantastic National Winning pigeons that win from across the channel ,like Pennine heights, Big Smithy  Mukin Fagic and Withering hope star,National Beauty,Little Finn etc,we breed, race and sell only supreme quality specimens.All our pigeons are tested to their limits in each relevant discipline ie,sprint middle and long,They are tested in two separate loft locations giving us a better indication of just how good they really are.

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  • National Winners  

    At J.P.S. Lofts, national racing is our goal so we only try to buy either national winners or from national winners.

  • Rudy De Saere & Vandenabeele based 

    View our stock birds from Rudi De Saer & Gaby Vandenabeele based breeders.We are the NO1  loft in the uk for RUDI DE SAERE  ,no other loft in the uk has the quality and quantity from his national winners and top breeders than JPSLOFTS.

  • Stefaan Lambrechts  

    We have bought two full round off Stefaan in June 2016 and June 2017 we kept only the very best out of approx 180 youngbirds we only kept 60 in total ensuring We kept only the very best from the best.We know of no other loft in the U.K. That has had 2 full rounds from Stefaan.

  • Hooymans & Harry  

    Direct children from superstar HARRY.

About J.P.S. Lofts

J.P.S. Lofts is a joint breeding programme between James and Pete Parker who race in Reading, and Ian Stafford who races in the name of Stafford and Wilson of Skinningrove. The stock pigeons are equally shared and their offspring are tested in both loft locations. This gives a better indication of the birds’ capabilities in different competition.

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Get in touch

To ask us a question or make an enquiry about a pigeon, contact J.P.S. Lofts today by calling 07786 938 300, emailing us at staffy123@icloud.com or completing the form in the link below.

Contact J.P.S. Lofts